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I have successfully passed the challenge, what happens next?

I have successfully passed the challenge, what happens next?

Challenge passed -> Complete KYC -> Trader signs contract -> Account Review t -> Receive live account credentials 

After successfully passing the challenge the trading team will review your account and your documents (KYC verification with Sumsub). Upon reviewing them you will be entered into a Proprietary Trader Agreement. After signing the agreement you will become an independent contractor You will then be sent your funded account credentials.

 Upon passing your Assessment, you will receive an email from FXIFY™ with instructions on how to access and complete your Trader Agreement.  Once the agreement is completed and supporting Know Your Customer documents are provided, your Funded account will be created, funded and issued to you typically within 24-48 business hours.

*Please note Challenge accounts are reviewed by our trading team between the hours of 9- 5 PM EST Monday – Friday. With that in mind, if you pass the challenge on the weekend it will be reviewed on Monday.

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