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What is the max allocation?

What is the max allocation?

Traders who wish to trade multiple accounts at one time are able to purchase one active account of each size:

1 x $5,000 , 1 x $10,000 ,  1 x $15,000, 1 x  $25,000 , 1 x $50,000 , 1 x $100,000 , 1 x $200,000 , 1 x $400,000

FXIFY’s policy is that it applies to both challenge and funded stages.

As an example, a trader could trade the following accounts:

$400k Funded, $200k Funded, $100k Funded, $50k Funded, $25k Funded, $15k Funded, $5k Funded.

This rule has been implemented on 25/11/24 and any customers who had more than one of the same challenges or funded accounts BEFORE this date, are not affected.

For those trading with us before 25/11/24

Traders can have a max allocation of up to 800k. As long as the challenge accounts are passed at different times.

For example, if a trader has a 400k challenge account and he passes onto the funded account, he then has the ability to purchase another 400k challenge. After the second challenge is passed, his max allocation would be reached and he would not be able to upgrade to any other funded accounts. 

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